Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Twin Tuesdays: Riding in cars with babies

(Yes, yes, I know it's Wednesday...bear with me.)

A few months ago, I talked about our rules for traveling with toddlers in a car, which has been our exclusive mode of transportation on trips since the twins arrived. And although we're cityfolk, we also use the car a lot locally; we find it easier to get around Brooklyn with a car and we even drive it into Manhattan on the weekends (Sundays are the best because there are virtually no parking rules).

Jack and Nellie are middle-of-the-road car passengers: it's not their favorite place in the world, but it's also not The Worst (these days that's the changing table, but that's a story for another day). They still face the back of the car, which is really starting to bug me. Any time there is a back seat meltdown, I think to myself, if they were facing forward, this would be so much easier.

But it has been recommended by the American Association of Pediatrics that we keep them facing backward until they're two. AT LEAST.

Now, I know this is just a recommendation, not the law, but I'm still reluctant to change their seat positions until next March. It somehow feels different to me than the AAP's recommendation to breastfeed exclusively for a year (I didn't) or to take your child to the dentist before age one (I haven't and am dreading the day that I finally do). There is part of me that rationalizes, not following those recommendations won't lead to anything fatal. The car seat thing...might?

But only if we get into a horrific car accident, right? And would they really be ok if it were that bad, no matter which way they were facing? And what if, instead, we got into an accident while I was walking to the third row of our mini-van because that's where Jack threw his doggie? Wouldn't everyone, mom included, be a little safer if they faced forward?

What do you guys think of this? Have you switched your toddler's car seat before the two year mark? What about car seats on city buses? Taxis? Doesn't it seem like the rules are bent in those situations? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Meanwhile, if you're driving down the BQE and you see my bum sticking up in the air between the second row of seats, you'll now know why.


  1. As a child I used to STAND in the middle of the front seat hanging on to my dads neck all the way to Dunkirk....LOL either that of climbing in the back window and sleeping....while the car was moving...boy have times changed.

  2. I had to turn my guys around early because they were too big/long to face backwards. Their legs were practically crossed by 7 months (born 24inches!!). You do what you feel comfortable doing. But it will be fun for you to watch their reactions to facing forward. It's so exciting for them!!!
